Comprehensive Support

DataAU support is like no other – we are with you every step of the way, assigning a dedicated support team member to you from day one to help you learn and get the most out of DataAU.

Data Update: Domestic Visitor Data

Monday, 15 March 2021

Quarterly update of visitor and visitor night estimates for daytrip, overnight intrastate and overnight interstate visitors. The latest data is reported for Quarter 4 2020.

Data Update: Job Keeper

Friday, 5 March 2021

Quarterly update of JobKeeper application counts, which provides the number of organisations that had applications processed for the JobKeeper payment. The latest data is reported for the period of April 2020 to December 2020.

How our support team works

Dedicated DataAU support team member

Your personal on-boarding manager will assist you through every step of the process and any training needs to make sure you are setup to get the most out of DataAU from day one.

Register for webinars

Our support team host regular webinars to give practical examples and use cases to get the most out of DataAU. Register and attend, or watch the webinars at your leisure.

Online training and support tools

If ever in doubt, refer to our comprehensive database of training tools, videos and FAQs, 24 hours a day seven days a week.


Tell us what you’d like to see in future versions of the product so we can build the best product for you.