DataAU is a national data visualisation platform that has been developed by AEC Group leveraging our 30-year history of data management, analysis, and interpretation. It includes over 400 socio-economic and demographic datasets, exclusive indicators, modelling tools and graphically designed reports that effectively communicate information and insights. We developed DataAU to provide data interpretation, value, and insight for strategic community, economic development, and social infrastructure planning.
REGISTER FOR FREE TRIALSpecific and accurate data is the core of DataAU, giving users access to hundreds of unique data topics, across every local government area in Australia. Include any number of regions in up to three custom defined catchments to instantly compare, visualise and download data.
DataAU is backed by over 400 datasets and exclusive indicators, which can be accessed through the economic, liveability and social toolboxes, as well as the data cart. This data repository is constantly expanding, with current datasets updated within two weeks of release from the primary source, and new datasets added where relevant.
Visual insight tools for economic, liveability and social datasets – leveraging a range of graph and value types to provide immediate analysis to users. These insights are interchangeable, allow for the analysis of up to three catchments at any one time, and can be tagged for download in the data cart.
The Data Cart allows users to export data tables from a single portal, based on selected geographies. The datasets selected will be downloaded as single excel files for each region, allowing for further analysis offline. These files also include necessary supporting information like descriptions, sourcing, metrics and dates of each dataset.
Access to an exclusive range of comparative analysis tools with DataAU. The platform provides you with access to Australia’s only consistent national dataset, allowing users to compare and profile their region to any other in Australia. Through this process, our users can develop strategic insights and download data to make evidence-based decisions that support local communities.
Exclusive to DataAU, this module breaks down the national Greenhouse Gas (GHG) accounts by sub state area, building a local carbon emissions profile across the five key carbon categories.
Future emissions projections inform potential baseline scenarios, informing the discussion for regions on their future carbon journey.
Dynamically display your region’s visitor activity through an easy to interpret and visually compelling interface. Key metrics are highlighted, including tourism, visitation, source markets and interpretation of these insights, informing future trends.
A detailed supply chain analysis of your region’s economy, identifying industries of relative strength, growth potential, upstream and downstream economic activity and contribution, to inform your economic development initiatives across all industries within your region.
Present headline statistics and a curated snapshot of your region through your custom Public Profile. Embedded on your website, this dynamic dashboard allows you to easily select, customise and publish the data and information that tells the story of your region, dynamically updating to tell your unique story.
Publish headline statistics that provide viewers of your profile with a concise snapshot of the region. These headline measures are compared to state averages, highlighting the performance of your region.
Customise your region's public profile with your organisation’s logo, colour palate and images. Further design the look and feel by ordering panels, writing about your region, and adding data that tells your region’s story.
Browse information that covers the economic performance, liveability measures and trends in your region’s community. Data can be compared against any region in Australia, to help you understand your regional performance across important statistics, and can be exported as images or raw datafiles to support your reports.
Access the tools developed by our expert consulting team to understand the benefits generated in your region from your economic development initiatives.
Run your ‘economic shock’ and observe the direct and flow-on impacts in terms of output, gross regional product, incomes paid to workers and jobs across 19-sectors and as specific as 114 sub-sectors.
Using the DataAU input-output model, you can shock output or jobs across either the 19-sector ANZSIC or the 114-IO table sectors to understand the direct and flow-on impacts. Selecting and allocating a shock across multiple industries removes the need to run separate models and combine the results, saving you time and providing more accurate results.
Generate an economic impact assessment for your project, which will highlight the economic contribution delivered in terms of direct and flow-on impacts to your local community in terms of output, value added production, incomes paid to workers and jobs created.
Export your project's economic impact assessment straight to a word document to support any grant application or business case. This document includes technical explanations, supporting data and evidence, as well as clear graphs and tables that display the economic contribution of your project to the regional economy.
Understand the direct and flow-on economic impacts delivered by an event in your region using visitation, spend estimates and event facilitation costs. Outputs can then be downloaded in a report with interpretative text to support reports or grant applicants.
Specify the details for the duration, size, and significance of the event that is planned to go ahead in your region. You can decide whether your event is focused in arts and culture, sports, or a business convention, and select whether it is an event of local, state or national significance. These selections will determine the scale of the economic shock, and how much of the economic contribution is retained locally.
Input estimates of visitation, average daily spend and event facilitation costs to determine the economic impact generated in the region. These estimates can be refined using sliders, allowing you to determine the mix of visitation (locals, overnight visitors or internationals) and the types of items visitors are purchasing (food and beverages, transport, etc.) to generate an accurate model.
Economic outcomes are determined using input-output modelling techniques, which utilise your input visitation, spend per day (at the event and outside the event) and broader facilitation costs to calculate direct and flow-on impacts. Impacts are presented for output, gross regional product, jobs created and incomes paid to workers.
Understanding areas of need and opportunity to enhance socio-economic and community outcomes in each region using tailored insight indicators, taking the guess work out of grant writing and demonstrate the investment gaps within your region.
Leverage over 30 datasets and exclusive indicators to identify strengths in your region to attract investment in, or alternatively, the areas of need in your community that require grant funding to improve.
Compare a range of socio-economic, liveability and community datasets against state and national averages. This comparative analysis will allow you to understand how your region is performing and to demonstrate to stakeholders why an opportunity for investment exists or why grant funding should be given to address an area of need.
Customise and then export the data, graphs and explanations that best support your grant application. This export includes technical explanations and references, and leverages data to improve the quality of your application.
Highlighting trajectories of change across a multitude of factors within each region, allowing you to understand how your region is performing against macro trends to make wiser decisions and foster development.
Compare and forecast your region’s future population, employment, and economic growth projections out to 2041 against custom catchments, your state, and the nation.
Population projections in DataAU have been developed using historical population and state agency projections to produce low, medium and high series projections. These population series can be used to reflect varying future growth scenarios that are dependent on migration, catalytic projects and other influencing factors.
Gross Regional Product projections in DataAU are based on inferred estimates of productivity change and employment by industry projections. These projections are available out to 2041 for local government and statistical area boundaries.
Employment projections (by place of work) in DataAU are based on historical trends in employment by industry and state government population projections, which have been extrapolated over the coming 20 years. These projections are developed using AEC’s MEG (Macro-Economic Growth) employment projection methodology and a process of disaggregation to smaller geographies (SA4s and LGAs).
Labour Force projections in DataAU are based on historical trends in labour force participation and state government population projections, highlighting the number of local residents participating in the labour force over the coming 20 years. The labour force includes persons who are employed and persons who are actively seeking employment.
Using most current data, leverage AEC’s insight indicators to instantly generate a graphically designed report of your region’s socio-economic performance and individual area statistics, run a local area peer comparison.
Automated Reports that are graphically designed, leverage the most up-to-date data and enable users to customise their documents with uploaded logos, photos images, colours, and text.
Select the data and comparative regions within your state to understand how your region ranks. Up to three comparison areas can be selected per report, whilst 6 datasets can be selected from a possible range of 16 datasets.
Customise an easily-updateable report that highlights the socio-economic performance of your region. This report can be fitted with organisational logos, images and text, and provides a 10-page snapshot of the economic, social, tourism and liveability performance of your region.
Visualise a diverse range of datasets at either a local scale or national scale using geographic boundaries to present information in a more meaningful and easier to understand format.
Users can select any dataset or indicator to instantly visualise the data. These datasets cover the economic structure, liveability factors and demographics of a region, and can be analysed at either a local scale (using statistical area boundaries), or at a national scale using local government and state boundaries.
Analyse data in greater detail by interchanging the variables or units for your thematically mapped data. These customisation features may allow you to identify areas with the highest proportion of a certain occupation, or remove areas of low economic value from your view.
Specific regions can be interrogated by clicking on the geographic boundary, which will provide you with the value and name of that area.
DataAU is an intuitive, online data platform providing a range of tools and insights to support government, regional development, and investment attraction for economic development and growth focused organisations across Australia.
Our nationally consistent data powers the growth focused decision making and will continue to drive economic growth and community outcomes in regions of Australia.
DataAU’s team are based in Australia and understand what is needed by our wide range of user types. We provide personalised support and training to ensure users make the most of a range of available functionalities and efficiencies.
Secure, online and up-to-date economic and socio-demographic data at your fingertips.
Supported by a team with three decades of data analysis and visualisation.