Generate your Region's Performance Report

Are you needing to pull together a socio-economic overview for your region? Save time by using our report builder.

Graphically designed data reports with the click of a button

Sunday, 4 April 2021

DataAU uses the most up-to-date data to instantly populate your custom-built reports, allowing quick comparisons to peers and your regions economic overview at a glance, all within downloadable pdfs supported by your local imagery.

Generate a downloadable report, containing information relevant to your Local Government Area.

Edit sections of text by clicking on text fields, replace images by clicking the image, clicking the 'edit' icon, or simply dragging your new image over an existing one.

Publish your report and open the published URL to view the document.

If you want to make changes to your current report, unpublish it, make your changes, re-publish and watch your changes go live.
