The Australian Bureau of Statistics’ Census 2021 updates have been released through various stages between June and September 2022, for almost all geographic outputs including place of usual residence (PoUR) and place of enumeration on Census night. Additional topics, including employment and location-based variables were released in October 2022.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics’ Census 2021 updates have been released through various stages between June and September 2022, for almost all geographic outputs including place of usual residence (PoUR) and place of enumeration on Census night. Additional topics, including employment and location-based variables were released in October 2022.
The following provides a summary of the topics available in DataAU, with a list of additional topics to be made available in the coming weeks. The Australian Bureau of Statistics’ Census 2021 Releases provides DPS team an opportunity to create more topics specific to Australia’s ATSI population. This will assist users in comparing data and deriving insights across indigenous and non-indigenous groups of each Australian region.
Data is available at Local Government Areas (LGA’s), Statistical Areas (SA’s) and Destination Zones (DZ’s).
To view up to date data and insights, please log in to DataAU.